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Shamrock Club

The SHAMROCK CLUB OF SACRAMENTO was founded in 2005 by Chris Brown as an Irish historical and cultural preservation group.Our main focus is a non-denominational, non-politically based social club to provide an open arms welcome to all "Who feel the Spirit" and wish to join us in celebrating it. We are on Facebook: (ShamrockClubofSacramento), Twitter: (ShamrockClub) and on the web at: (

Its Founding Members' wish was and is to fill the need for a local Irish/Celtic Club. Chris Brown was the first President of the Club and C. J. Kennedy the first V.P. There are 8 other affiliated Shamrock Clubs on the east coast and mid-west. Our sister/mentor club is in Columbus, Ohio (established in the 1936). We are following their successful model to develop our stand alone chapter here in Sacramento.

We will promote and encourage awareness and appreciation of Irish/Celtic culture, history, and tradition; provide educational and entertainment opportunities relative to Irish/Celtic culture, history and tradition for our membership and community. Our plan is to provide a stable agenda of events and charitable activities in the greater Sacramento Area. Our membership is open to all persons who are interested in the Irish/Celtic culture, community events and social activities. We are working with other Celtic clubs in the area to offer a robust and diversified multi-Celtic, "Unified Sacramento"; "gathering of the clans" to our events.

Chris Brown


Presidential Irish-American Heritage Month

March is Irish-American Heritage Month. St. Patrick's Day (March 17) is not an official federal holiday in the United States but St. Patrick's Day has a long history of being celebrated with parades and general goodwill for all things Irish. The day commemorates St. Patrick, believed to have died on March 17, who introduced Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century. Because many Americans celebrate their Irish lineage on St. Patrick's Day, March was picked as Irish-American Heritage Month. The month was first proclaimed in 1991 by Congress. Each year, the U.S. president issues an Irish-American Heritage Month proclamation.

History of Irish Soda Bread: Soda bread dates back to approximately 1840, when bicarbonate of soda was introduced to Ireland. There are several theories as to the significance of the cross in soda bread. Some believe that the cross was placed in the bread to ward off evil (the devil) or to let the fairies out of the bread. However, it is probable that the cross is used to help with the cooking of the bread by allowing air circulation so that the bread rises better. The cross also serves as a guideline for even slices.

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